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In einem festgelegten Zeitraum von 2 - 7 Tagen erhält man ein Gratislevel geschenkt, wenn man in dem Zeitraum selbst mindestens 1 reguläres Levelup gehabt hat. Der Zeitraum ist variabel und wir aufgrund der Bevölkerungszahlen der einzelnen Reiche festgelegt.
FAQ übersetzt von Mythic
Anmerkung: In den FAQs wird immer von 7 Tagen bzw. 168 Stunden gesprochen. Der Zeitraum kann je nach Reich und Server kürzer sein
Bevor wir in die FAQ gehen, laßt uns sicher stellen das wir von einer einheitlichen Basis ausgehen. Hier sind die 3 Fragen die sich unser System alle 7 Tage stellt, bevor ihr die Meldung über ein Gratislevel erhaltet:
- Wann wurde das letzte Gratislevel genutzt? (Die 7-Tageperiode zählt von diesem Zeitpunkt an.)
- Wurde innerhalt der letzten 7 Tage ein normaler Levelup durchgeführt? (Ja/Nein - ein einfaches Flag)
- Wieviel Erfahrungspunkte werden gebraucht um Dich auf das nächste Level zu bringen (zu dem Zeitpunkt. welches das System 7 Tage nach der letzten Benutzung ermittelt)
Die letzte Frage klingt komplizierter als sie wirklich ist. Schau Dir die untenstehenden Bespiele an:
Okay! Laßt uns zuerst eine Frage betrachten die nur in der ersten Woche nachdem das System live geht auftritt. Denn diese Frage betrifft nur Leute die das 1. mal einloggen nachdem das System live gegangen ist:
Q: Das System ging gestern live und ich hab genug Erfahrung für ein Levelup gesammelt. Werde ich ein Gratislevel erhalten?
A: Nein. Das System braucht ein 7-Tage Zeitraum um das 1. Gratislevel zu checken. Der erste Zeitraum für ein Gratislevel beginnt mit dem 1. Einloggen jedes Charakters zuzählen, nachdem der Patch aufgespielt wurde. Wenn Du genau zu dem Zeitpunkt eingeloggt bist, als die Server hochgefahren wurden, kannst Du nicht früher als 168 Stunden nach diesem Zeitpunkt ein Freilevel erhalten.
Q: Der Patch ging live letzte (Woche, Monat, Quartal). Heute loggte ich zum 1. Mal ein und habe genug Erfahrung für ein Levelup gesammelt. Wann bin ich bereit für mein Gratislevel?
A: Genau 168 Stunden (7 Tage) Realzeit nach deinem 1. Login. Während das System die Echtzeit (nicht Ingame-Zeit) zählt von jetzt an, braucht das Gratislevelsystem seinen ersten Zeitpunkt vom Login nach dem Patch.
Now, let’s look at scenarios that will apply after the system is established. Specific dates and levels are ONLY for the purposes of illustration. For the purpose of these questions, let’s assume the people asking the questions all logged in and started their timers on June 1st:
Q: I am a brand new player. I leveled up (by getting experience) from level 1 to level 2 on June 1st, which happened to be my first day of playing ever. Under the new system, did I get a free level on June 1st?
A: No. You don’t have a seven day history yet.
Q: I leveled up (by getting experience) from level 1 to level 2 on June 8th. I’ve been playing since June 1st. Under the new system, did I get a free level?
A: Yes. Your character has a history of at least seven days.
Q: I leveled up (by getting experience) from level 1 to level 2 on June 1st, my first day of playing ever. I did not level again for the rest of that week. Did I get a free level when I logged in on June 8th?
A: Yes. When the system’s “odometer” hit the one week mark, it checked to see if you gained a natural level during that week. Since you got a level, you got the pop up announcement the moment you were eligible for the reward.
Q: I leveled up (by getting experience) from level 1 to level 2 on June 8th. I started my character on June 1st, but I didn’t get the chance to log in between June 1st and June 8th. Under the new system, did I get a free level?
A: Yes. The system uses real time hours.
Q: I leveled up from level 1 to 2 on June 8th (by getting experience), got the pop up, and used my free level, which took me from 2 to 3. I leveled up from 3 to 4 (by getting experience) on June 12th. Did I get a free level on June 12th?
A: No. The system took note of the exact moment you told your trainer that you wanted to use your free level, and started the seven day clock over again. You will get a pop up on June 15th (or whatever day it is exactly 168 hours after you used your last freebie) that awards you your next freebie.
Q: I leveled up from level 1 to 2 on June 8th (by getting experience), got the pop up, and used my free level, which took me from 2 to 3. I leveled up from 3 to 4, and then from 4 to 5 (by getting experience). On June 15th, or whatever the date is when I hit the 168 hour mark, how much experience will my free level award me?
A: The system will give you enough experience to go from 5 to 6, because it’s looking at the level you are at the exact 168 hour mark, counting from the moment when you used your previous freebie.
Q: I leveled up from level 1 to 2 on June 8th (by getting experience), got the pop up, and used my free level, which took me from 2 to 3. I leveled up from 3 to 4 (by getting experience) on June 12th. When I got my pop up window on June 15th, I decided not to use my free level, and I kept playing. I then leveled from 4 to 5 by getting experience. Then I went to my trainer to use my free level. How much experience will I get?
A: The system doesn’t allow you to hoard free levels, and doesn’t record any past the first freebie. In this example, your trainer will award you free experience – but only equal to the amount of experience it would take to move you from 4 to 5, because the last level it recorded was what level you were at the 168 hour point. Therefore, in this example, after the trainer gave you the free experience you would be almost 6th, but not quite.
Q: I leveled up from 1 to 2 (by getting experience) on June 8th, and got my free level – taking me from 2 to 3. I leveled up (by getting experience) again on June 12th which took me from 3 to 4, and did not get a free level. I did not log in between June 12th and June 15th. I leveled up (by getting experience) again on June 15th. Did I get two free levels at once?
A: No. But the very minute you logged in on the 15th, you got a pop up box telling you that you had a free level coming to you. See the question and answer right above this one.
Q: I got the pop up box telling me I was eligible for a free level. Will my trainer say anything to me about it?
A: No. As soon as you click on your trainer, you will be awarded any free experience you are eligible for. Do not click on your trainer if you do not wish to get your free experience at that time.
Q: I got to level 20 by getting experience. I got the pop up saying I was eligible for the free level. I forgot about my free respec, and I clicked on my trainer – and therefore automatically went to 21! Have I lost my respec?
A: As currently designed, no, you have not.
Q: I leveled up (by getting experience) on June 8th, and got my free level. I get experience at a very slow rate, and didn't level by getting experience again until June 20th. Did I get a free level?
A: Yes.